Tuesday 22 March 2011

Not Again??

I have such an annoying habit of changing things when i get bored of them. Don't you just hate it how humans I can be so seemingly materialistic? I do. But would blogs be considered materials? Hence the word seemingly. This is like my 3rd or 4th blog in the past 2 years i think. Familiarity just never seems to settle for good. I figured since school's started so i guess i need something for me to rant on or just waste time on when i have my can't-be-fucked-to-do-anything moments.

So I'm feeling massively bored and random right now so I'm gonna blurt out the few things i hate bout society and yours truely.

* About Me
1. How cold I can be. I have the tendency to push people away from me when i'm hurt/being hurt by a certain person. And it's hard for me to warm up to them after. Like really really really really hard.
2. My fat ass ego a.k.a stubbornness.
3. The fact that i grow horizontally faster than vertically
4. The inability to have a fast metabolism

5. My mouth when it constantly swears when I'm angry (rarely)
6. Lazyness.
7. The fact that i give into second thoughts. Its annoying and hurtful but somehow i do that.

8. I come off as fierce and sometimes arrogant since i don't really smile in school. I HAVE A FATASS EGO
9. My below average breasts size
10. The fact that i can be a real bitch when i'm ticked off

1. judgementalness.
2. stereotypes

3. fakers
4. People who assume
5. Lame people. i don't really know how to define this but yeah you should know you're lame when you are.
6. People who overreact to the smallest things
7. proud cunts
8. people who don't value individuality
9. racists & sexists
10. people who smell bad..hello..who doesn't.
11. People who don't get the shut the fuck up concept
12. Lalas?
13. players who are nothing but all talk with small dick to act on it
14. People who give themselves too little credit for what they really are
15. People who give themselves too much credit for themselves than they really should. stfu?

16. Girls who are all up in themselves. Bitches

I'm just too bored. so I'm gonna blab bout the things that i can't live without
1. God. I have nothing without Him
2. Family (duhh)
3. Nick. soulmate? i really don't have an answer for that. I just know that i can't imagine life without him being mine after knowing someone like him exists. Sure things are shaky sometimes, it being long distance and all and me with my insane trust issues. But he's something someone i can't imagine loosing.
4. Friends (obviously)
